sponsorship opportunities

Growing Nashville’s Future Leaders with Your Support

Nashville Emerging Leaders (NEL) is more than a leadership program - it's a catalyst for igniting Nashville's future.

Imagine cultivating a network of Nashville's brightest young minds – CEOs, founders, and changemakers in the making. We handpick 30 exceptional talented individuals for an intensive 11-week leadership journey, transforming them into the visionary leaders Nashville needs today - and tomorrow.

By partnering with NEL, your brand becomes an architect of positive change, investing in the development of leaders who will build a brighter future for Nashville and its community.

How NEL Partnership Drives Your Business:

  • Community Leadership Impact: Place your company at the heart of shaping Nashville's emerging leaders, driving community progress.

  • Enhanced Brand Exposure: Gain visibility and connect with key business and community leaders, elevating your brand's presence in Nashville.

  • Future-Focused Partnerships: Partner with NEL to align with future trends and build relationships with the next wave of leaders in Nashville.

Meet Our Sponsors:

Let’s connect! Contact our fundraising committee at info@nashvilleemergingleaders.org to learn more.